How to Sell on WhatsApp | WhatsApp Marketing made Easy

Abiodun Emmanuel
7 min readNov 8, 2021


Marketing as a concept is not new to many of us. We have been hearing the word for as long as we can remember but only a few truly understand the concept behind this business term.

Why this ?

I would say it all boils down to ignorance and unwillingness to learn. Over the years Marketing has evolved from physical to digital method of marketing.

And one of the most effective marketing platform today is WhatsApp. Before we go further I must establish a fact

To be a successful business/brand on WhatsApp you need to have a positive mindset towards growing. Am not talking about just motivation

There needs to be more than just benefits You need a course.


Why WhatsApp?

Did you know that WhatsApp has over 24million users in Nigeria. At the beginning I pointed out to the fact that Marketing has migrated to the digital method.

But one things that would always remain vital in Marketing is relationship building. This where WhatsApp comes in... With the use of WhatsApp you get to build relationship with your audience. it gives you access to reaching your audience even if you lose your device or your account gets ban(this is similar to having an email list).

WhatsApp is also known to have the best level of engagement. With this I hope I have given you reason to start building on WhatsApp.

Challenges Business Encounter with WhatsApp

As effective as WhatsApp is in building your brand It comes with many challenges which can aid or disrupt the impact and flow your business would have. The first and common of them is... low sales but there also some major reasons for. Let's look at them

  1. Low sales/Conversions: This matter is on another level…or don't I speak your mind? Every business encounter this every now and then. You will post all you offer, only to receive a few complement here and there but no conversion. Small time you will start blaming village people. But the true scenario is just like giving gold to a child. All he would do is just keep playing with it because he doesn't know the value. That thing that you are offer people out there are looking to pay Hugh bucks to get it.
  2. Marketing and Exposure: The fuel of every business is Marketing which in return brings Conversions. The more people you reach the more likely of you making a conversion. You want to sell online and you don't have an audience to market to... O wrong na. It's like you are turning water in a basket. What do you expect to happen? You solve this by improving you Marketing (we would go into details on a later day) In simple terms reach out to external sources and attract the right people in(funnel them in)
  3. Poor Relationship: Many businesses don't understand the value of building relationship. I don't mean you have to know everyone personally but you must establish connection. You want to sell to people and you don't even know what there challenge is or how you Product can help them. This is one area some big brand perform well in, using pampas as a case study If you are familiar with adverts on pampas you would see how they showcase the sound sleep you child can get using their diapers There by showing and connecting with nursing mothers (target locked🔒). There is no Special principles to selling just triggers. Selling and building a brand should be fun so make your offer in an educational, motivational or entertaining format. Social media is a place to socialize but who say you can't have it both ways.

Target Right - Increase Exposure - Build Relationship

Better Marketing Through WhatsApp: Actionable Steps

We have addressed some challenges like

📍Low/Sales Conversions

📍Marketing and Exposure

📍Poor Relationship

All this challenges has one common factor TARGETING

Don't believe this... For you to make sales you need the right audience.

If you are Marketing to the wrong audience then you will get no exposure (lack of Intrest)

If you are building relationship with the wrong audience you will not have any conversion

You see that? Good

Every business needs good targeting else you would not grow

Good Targeting = Quality Leads.

How then do you go about targeting and build your brand right?

Do your Research: There is nothing new to the world of business. Smooth talk/pay your way into the circle of experts, Study what they are doing.

The great advantage you have is been able to learn both their strength and weakness

Observe and Implement: Now you need to pay close attention, Gaining the information is the easy part, what you do with it is another

p.s: choose 1-2 brand and replicate what they are doing

Teaching and Educate people on your what you are all about through Webinar and Trainings

Engage: building relationship shouldn't just be about what you have to offer. Show concern towards their challenges.

A simple how is business, have you tried consider XYZ etc will go a long way. You are not looking for a one time gig, build lasting relationship that will sell you out and bring you exposure which means right people and more conversion

Keep Spreading Value: You ever heard the saying content is key. Well you heard wrong a business that does not give the right content with value can not thrive even if they have the best solution. You can do this as video, quotes or articles

Research - Implement - Engage - Give Value

Find out what people need, connect and establish rapor, give value and present your offer appropriately

Scaling Up

Growing up as kids we had to learn somethings while others came naturally. Same applies to brands, If you don't want to remain static. Hence you must learn certain things. Anyone can make Research-Implement-Engage-Give value.

You must learn certain skills to improve and get better results. This skill are the driving force of every business


📍Sales and Closing

📍Marketing /Traffic Generation

📍Funnel Building

This skills are what differentiates various business, you sell your voice, personality and mission with content, market strategically and sell better.

With unlimited resources (YouTube,Udemy,Twitter, Facebook) across the web to get started with, this shouldn't be a problem. What this skillsets help you achieve is methods of presenting offers, reaching a larger audience and devicing new methods of promoting your brand.

It also makes you understand the various aspects needed in developing a sustainable brand

*How does this apply to your business on WhatsApp? You need growth to attract new customers after a certain period. if top brands are learning and adapting new business techniques it will be an error to not improve on your existing strategy before it becomes outdated. Create a system that gets you result constantly. Learn How to use written words to sell, reach new customers when you need more and persuade to convert and scale up.

Medium and Tools

Creating Offers requires essential component to get good results. this component are called Meduim's. Every type of business has a unique Medium of communication and marketing. a graphic designer will not use a blog to communication his services so also will a woodwork creator not use audio to showcase his craft work.

Some business can utilize multiple Methods while others requires a single and effective method. This mediums include Video Content, Audio, Images and Text. Not using the right medium can reduce the Impact of your brand regardless of how effective your marketing strategy is.

Imagine a graphic designer writing an article on how to design a flier instead of showing samples and mini clips...tell me would you rather read an article on how to design or watch a clip? you have your answer. For business that can use multiple medium study closely, there is one which is more effective and suitable.

Now Tools on WhatsApp... For you to run any business on WhatsApp you must first be using a Bussiness WhatsApp else you will just struggle with the basics. this is because there are pre-existing tools to aid you showcasing your brand better. this include

  • ✓automated message (welcome message, aways message)
  • ✓quick reply
  • ✓catalogue
  • ✓short-link generator(alternative

with all this tools you can setup and run a professional office/shop through your WhatsApp. You can also download scheduler and link customization tool to add your brand unique touch. Another tool is a website for your business. I would advise this because social media can crash anytime but your site is yours and with unlimited free hosting sites you can create a website with ease without having to worry about coding. Running a Bussiness can be exhausting when you have to handle everything. this is why using the right medium and tools are necessary to maximize results.

Mistakes to Avoid when Selling with WhatsApp

When dealing with people as an entrepreneurs/salesman you need to understand marketing to your prospect wrongly reduces their intrest. Which is why you need to utilize the medium and tools available to make it easy and showcase your business as quality and top notch

Observe this case study and give your opinion... If you happen to have two fashion designer on your timeline

Designer A regularly talks about Fabrics,Pattern and Colours to help you decide quality in materials

Designer B just keep spamming status with Cloths we has made and expect you just to ask

Who would you prefer to buy from? If I could see your face now am sure you choose A. This is because Designer A has made himself to be seen as a professional unlike Designer B who is doing what everyone is doing.

So first mistake don't just do what others are doing add a unique touch

  • Be Creative with your Product
  • Don't always talk about your product learn to give value
  • Use Medium and Tools (i.e instead of just posting up and down, create a catalogue and direct people there)
  • In as much as you want to build relationship avoid posting too much personal stuff(it solution we need not your lifestyle)
  • Learn to listen to what people need
  • Craft a Proper Welcome message(let people feel your hospitality towards them)*

Finally, It is not enough to read rather to put to practice. Good luck

